Happiness comes from within. Everyone creates their own happiness from their perspective in life; on the other hand, happiness can be created or demolished by those around you. Happiness can be contagious.
When I was walking through Walmart one day I saw an old lady who had dropped a can of soup that she was trying to put in her cart. I was in a good mood, and it looked like she was having a rough day, so I picked it up and placed it in her cart. She turned to me with a huge wrinkled smile and said to me, “God bless your young heart. I guess there really are good people left in the world! Thank you so much!” I smiled back at her and said, “You’re welcome” and carried on my way. Before I left I saw her once more; however, this time she was smiling. I caught a part of her conversation with another girl, and she was talking about me. She seemed to have a bit of a glow to her now.
Sometimes, though, there aren't people around you to make you smile and to give you happiness. I was home alone a couple weeks ago feeling sad while I worked on my homework; nothing I did turned out right. I started to get frustrated. I took a deep breath and closed my book. I was getting nowhere and knew I needed a break. I grabbed my dog, hooked her to her leash, and walked out the door. With my first step out the door I already began to feel better. The cold wind hit my face which was refreshing from being in the stuffy house all day. We walked down the dirt road to a cliff above the lake; I sat down and listened to the waves crash against the shore. I had become happy once again.
There are times that happiness can be ruined. Just as happiness is contagious, so can other emotions. I was sitting on the bus minding my own business. I was in a great mood: the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the wind was blowing; I was as happy as could be. I suddenly got a phone call and looked at the screen. My boyfriend! I was smiling and talking on the phone with him. The conversation was short seeing as he was only calling to say good-morning, so I hung up and began to gaze out the window once more. “Who calls at 7 in the morning?!” my friend said to me. I began to get embarrassed and feel stupid for being so happy. “My boyfriend. He was saying good-morning..” I responded; this time I was talking without a smile on my face. “Well that's dumb.” My happiness faded into the background.
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