Last year on September 10th, I will never forget that day, I spent that day in the hospital. It was a brisk night and my allergies were bad. On top of my allergies, I was also getting sick. My asthma had been pretty bad for a few days before that but this day was one of the worst.
I sat in a rocking chair, watching television, holding my inhaler firmly in my right hand. Breath in, breath out. I bright the inhaler up to my lips and inhaled the steroid for the 12th time that day, two puffs each time. I was getting light headed but I knew my lungs wouldn’t stay open if i set down my inhaler for more than an hour. An emergency inhaler is only supposed to be used at a maximum of four times in one day, on puff each time. I had used 24 puffs in the last 18 hours. I waited, watching the clock. Another asthma attack. The distance between my attacks were getting shorter and my inhaler was no longer effective. I grasped my inhaler tighter, took a wheezing breath of air, and walked out to the car.
8:45 P.M. my mom and I arrived at the hospital. The crisp air of the hospital helped a little bit as we entered the building. I checked in and went and sat in the waiting room. Trying to stay relaxed, I grabbed a magazine and began flipping through the pages; however, I was only pretending to read it. My mind was racing. I didn’t get a room till 10:55.
I entered my hospital room and found I was sharing it with an infant who was having trouble breathing as well. I got handed a nebulizer and began to breath in the steroid and bronchodilator mix. I felt my chest open up after the first respiration. I have never breathed that well in my entire life. The doctor came back in and asked me how many times I used my inhaler that day. I responded, “12 times, two puffs each time”. His eyes were wide with amazement. I was told I should have come in way earlier. That much steroid being put into my lungs was harmful. I now know to see a doctor if I have to use my inhaler more than four times a day.
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