
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Unwanted Education: From a Teens Perspective

School is one of the easiest things in the world; so how come no one takes school seriously? If you stay on top of your work, then all students should have at least a 3.6 GPA by their Sophomore year. Many students, however, would rather fail every class their Freshman year and spend five years in high school instead of graduating on time.
One day, a couple other girls and I were sitting at our lunch table Sophomore year. We were discussing our GPA’s; well, they were while I listened. “I have a 2.6 GPA,” girl number one stated. I sat in shock but kept my mouth shut. “Wow. I have a 3.2 GPA!” commented girl number two. I listened intently waiting for another ditsy girl to say her crappy GPA. “Oh my gosh you guys are so smart! I only have a 2.4!” I sat there with astonishment, having a 3.85 GPA, listening to these people think a 2.4-3.2 GPA is amazing. After one year of high school no student should have below a 3.5. I didn’t dare say my GPA and blow them out of the water. They would have looked at me with wrinkled foreheads as they gave me their dirtiest looks.
The class of 2016. If you were sitting in my school, that is all I would have to say. Half the class can’t even graduate on time because they failed all of their freshman classes and then have the guts to call their other classmates “Try hard” as if an insult to those who can graduate on time. They laid around everyday in class for their first year of high school as if the point of the seven hour school day was a long nap time. They would make fun of the students who got their homework done on time and finished their Freshman year with a solid 3.5 or better. The school day to them is more about talking crap and gossiping than working towards their future.
An international occurrence in all schools are those lazy people who sleep in class. There is always that one person who never turns in anything and fails every test because they sleep their way through school. This one kid in my class will sleep and sleep and sleep! The teacher will wake him up, he will say a bold faced lie,“I have been awake!”, and then quickly shut his eyes once more. The teacher proceeds to teach the rest of the class and ignores the snorefest in the corner. The student wakes up right as everyone is about to leave, turn to the person next to him and say, “What did we learn?” No one ever tells him seeing as we all know he won’t do the work anyways.
Some students sleep during class but only the videos. She will sleep during the video just to wake up at the end to say, “Did we just watch a video?” No, Sweetheart, we just all like staring at the whiteboard as colors flash before our eyes. Don’t worry you didn’t miss half the lesson or anything. I can guarantee it won’t be on a test thats for sure!
Some students don’t understand the point of high school, or maybe they do but just don’t care enough to stay awake. This is the only chance to show colleges what you’re made of, so why would you sit around and pretend it doesn’t matter? Just remember no pickles when you are making my cheeseburger at Wendy’s.

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